Mengunjungi Klimahaus di Bremerhaven
Klimahaus yang terletak di kota Bremerhaven menjadi satu-satunya destinasi libur Natal dan Tahun Baru keluarga kami. Jarak tempuh untuk mencapai tempat wisata ini dari kota tempat tinggal kami tidak terlalu jauh. Oleh karena itu cocok untuk melakukan perjalanan pulang pergi dalam satu hari. Sebelum menceritakan tentang Klimahaus, aku akan mengulas sedikit tentang kota Bremerhaven. Ada apakah disana?
Trip to Wuppertal
Bismillahirrohmaanirrohiim.. On Wednesday we went to Wuppertal. We finally fulfilled our promise to Danesh 🙂 Wuppertal is located in and around river Wupper at North Rhine-Westphalia, a neighbor of Lower Saxony. This city is famous for its steep slopes, aspirin from pharmaceutical factory Bayer and its Schewebebahn. The last was our promise to our son, riding Schwebebahn. We took regional train from Hannover. Instead of buying Quer-Durch-Land (QDL) ticket, we bought Niedersachsensticket and NRW ticket. I found out that QDL didn’t cover transportation in a city. I mean, it can only be used for the regional train that connects cities, not for bus or tram within the city. With extra ticket for…
Ausflug nach Kassel
This is very late story too 🙂 Three of us and mom went to Kassel on a sunny Sunday in May. Kassel is located in Hesse, another state in Germany (Hannover is located in Lower Saxony). We went there because there is a famous park which were proclaimed as world heritage site by UNESCO. Its name is Bergpark Wilhemshöhe. As Kassel is located in the north part of Hesse, the journey with regional train from Hannover doesn’t take too long. We went at around 10 o’clock in the morning and arrived safely in the location at 14.00. From Hannover main station we took Metronom to Göttingen. There we changed to…