Berlin: Mengunjungi Tembok Paling Terkenal
Tembok Berlin terkenal karena sejarahnya membagi kota Berlin menjadi wilayah barat dan timur dibawah dua pemerintahan Jerman yang berbeda. Walau saat ini tembok tersebut secara resmi sudah dirubuhkan, kita masih bisa mengunjungi sebagian dari tembok tersebut di salah satu wilayah di kota Berlin.
Last day in Berlin
We did not have plan for our last day in Berlin. Our train to Hannover was at 19.35 and we have lots time to spend. As this trip was not our first time, we were very easy and decided to go to some places to eat (again) and took pictures with our son. Instead of bus TXL we rode bus 100 to the first stop, Humboldt University. We didn’t go inside, just took pictures in front of it and walked to Museum Island, on the way there we made stop in German historical museum. I just wanted to see what could we see inside. Sadly, Danesh was so cranky.. I…