Free Walking Tour in Berlin
Day 2 morning in Berlin was super shiny day that I was so happy that today’s plan would be perfectly fits. We woke up late anyway but then were in hurry while Deva came back from her business trip soon and we also needed to be in front of Brandenburger Tor before 11 am. When you are on vacation with baby or toddler, forget about having early morning plan and even tight schedule.
It was me who came up with an idea, “Mas, kita ikutan walking tour nya Sandeman yuk nanti di Berlin? soalnya aku kepingin tahu lokasi bunkernya Hitler.” I know my idea would not be rejected as he was also keen on seeing this place too. Our worry was if our little boy would be cranky during the 2-3 hours tour. As the time we finally chose was around his nap time, we didn’t too worry and hoping he would sleep.
Deva and Seto came, while we almost finished our preparation. They also told us about the tour little bit. It was free with some tips to the tour leader. It would be very crowded with lots of people but should not be worry because with or without prior reservation still could get group. Around 10.20 we went out, catched bus TXL direct to Brandenburger Tor.
This was my (actually our) second free walking tour. The first one was in Prague while we visited this beautiful city in 2009. Unlike tour by the travel agent, the 2-3 hours walking is free. But at the end, if the participants feel satisfied and happy, the tour leader is happy to get some tips. Knowing the story and or history of the city we visited is for us interesting.

There were maybe more than 100 people because all of the crowd was divided into 4 groups and each group consisted around 30-40 persons. The meeting point is always in front of Starbucks Brandenburger Tor and it can be easily found by seeing someone with red umbrella. Our leader was Max. Anyway I am better not too detailed writing about the walking because you should experience yourself. 🙂 It started from Brandenburger Gate and finished in front of Humboldt University.
So where is the bunker? Nearby Jewish memorial building. Nothing particular instead of normal parking lot. Max explained that were standing right above the former bunker. He also pointed the place where the body after the suicide buried. There is board that also explains somewhere around the corner but unfortunately I didn’t see it. Mission accomplished!! Now I know where it is and I stood above it. More information you can read by this website.

What about der kleine Mann? Just before the tour started, he slept. He woke up 10 minutes before our breaking time and then he started cranky!! He wanted to get out from stroller and “ditetah” -____-
The walking started on time at 11 and finished around 13.30. By that time we were really hungry and decided to have lunch nearby Turmstrasse. We went to RisA and had super delicious roasted chicken. We ordered combi menu 3 and paid only 15€. When Ayah brought our meals, I was super happy because it had lots portion plus extra bread. Just put piece of the chicken into humus or thum, taste really good!
After late lunch we decided to get home. Deva and Seto asked us to have dinner together.
Traveling with baby is easy if we aren’t in hurry and so were we. Again we went out too late around 8 pm to go to Korean Restaurant. My friend, Dina, suggested Yam Yam but Rizka suggested Arirang. Deva said other Restaurant, Princess Kimchi. We decided the last one, which was located bit far from Alex. Unfortunately the restaurant was full reserved. If we still wanted to eat there, we should wait little longer. As we were too hungry and had baby along with us, waiting wasn’t good option. Then we decided to go to Arirang.
I didn’t know how much we did spend. But I’m quite sure less than 50€ for 4 persons. Ayah and I ordered bibimbap and other was ordered by Deva.

information for sandeman Belin free tour please click here.
Mobil pink itu cute bgt
Kalau free tour gini beneran free nggak ada sponsor terselubung ya? Ngasih tips doang?
Iya Beth free.. Si tour guide nya akan nyebutin beberapa kali sih biasanya. Pengalaman kami selalu dua kali di awal sebelum tur mulai dan di akhir tur. Tapi ada pengalaman temenku yang lebih dari dua kali ngomonginnya. Klo yg ini mungkin agak mengganggu yaa.. Tipsnya ala kadarnya rata2 yang aku perhatikan sekitar 3-5€/orang.
Wah, di Prague ada free walking tour juga ya *dicatet. Mukamu sumringah banget Mia difoto bertiga yang pertama haha.
Adaaa mba Deny dan kami puas banget puter2nya. Kebetulan tour guide yang kami dapat waktu itu orang asli Prague jadinya tambah oke..
Aku hepii bisa liburan dan bisa ajak Altezza juga akhirnya hihihi
hooo aku baru nyadar foto yang lagi makan to mba Deny? hueehehehe klo yang itu hepi lihat makanan buanyak banget setelah bete kelaperan :p