First Day in Berlin
The bus terminal (Berlin ZOB) is located not in city center as in Hannover. We can take either bus or U-Bahn. After my husband bought tickets, we took U-Bahn to our first stop.
Information of Berlin transportation run by BVG is good. It is also available online. Comparing to ticket price in Hannover, Berlin’s is cheaper. I mean for 2 big zones daily ticket cost 7€. Instead of buying group ticket (17,30€) we bought 2 single day ticket.
To go to our first place, after taking U-Bahn we needed to change with the bus. Around 20-30 minutes we could finally sit in a small restaurant close to the famous el-reda, Kanun. Here we can buy roasted chicken or chicken kfc style or chicken schnitzel. This is halal restaurant, the seller even say “assalamualaikum”.
Husband ordered number 5 and I took number 9. Delicious! Both chili sauce were super good. They serve free refill hot tea. We spent only 12.10€.
After having our lunch we decided to go to Alexanderplatz where our friends’ apartment take place. Bus TXL took us there. Deva and Seto moved to Berlin in January. Their apartment is located in a very strategic area in Berlin. When we came, Deva was still in Vienna, we met Seto and talked lots with him.
The super famous restaurant especially among Indonesian, El-Reda, was our chosen place for having dinner. From Alex we only took TXL to get there. I ordered “Kubideh 2 Hackfleischspieße im Reis” and Husband chose “2 Lammfleischspieße” What about our son? He didn’t like it until I put butter on the rice. We arrived quite late around 9 but people still came and ordered, of course we met Indonesian over there:) Something we missed was the free hot tea. We paid 16.50€.
It tasted as usual delicious! Some might say, “it tastes nothing special.” Just let me know if there is another restaurant serves better taste. Sambel cabe which we got was also good, truly hot but without it would taste differently.
We went home around 10 pm again with TXL direct to Alex. But before, I asked husband to stop in Brandenburger Tor. Our belly was full and we slept good.
omg El Redaaa,
my mouth is watering again!!!!
Hihihihihi sori kaaaak
dio ga mau ke nusantara Beth, kita sebenernya ke Mabuhay tapi tutup hikshikss hari Minggu ruhetag 🙁 padahal katanya enak-enak
Dan ada bubble tea Beth hihihi